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The Heart Research Institute (HRI) has appointed a new Chair, The Hon Peter McGauran, who is former Federal Science and Technology Minister, and has extensive experience working within the medical sector.

Mr McGauran graduated from Melbourne University LLB/BA in 1979, practising as a solicitor in his hometown of Traralgon, Victoria until being elected in 1983 to Federal Parliament for the seat of Gippsland.

Mr McGauran served 25 years in Parliament, including 10 years as a Minister in various Departments encompassing the portfolios of Agriculture, Industry, Communications and Immigration.

On his retirement from Federal Parliament in 2008, Mr McGauran became CEO of Thoroughbred Breeders Australia. In 2012, Mr McGauran was appointed CEO of Racing Australia, the national regulatory authority for Thoroughbred racing and breeding.

Mr McGauran returned to public service in December 2017 on being appointed Australian Consul General and Senior Trade Commissioner to Houston, Texas.

On completion of his term as Consul General in 2021, Mr McGauran joined Bondi Partners advisory firm in Sydney as a Senior Adviser working with US companies entering the Australian market.

Mr McGauran’s appointment comes as the term of the incumbent Chair, Professor Len Kritharides, comes to an end. Prof Kritharides steps down after 13 successful years on the Board, and five years as Chair. Prof Kritharides will remain on the HRI Board’s Scientific Advisory Committee to provide strategic assistance.

I am excit­ed to be join­ing HRI at an impor­tant junc­ture in its his­to­ry. The appoint­ment of a Sci­en­tif­ic Direc­tor is the high­est pri­or­i­ty for the Board in con­tin­u­ing HRI’s record of sci­en­tif­ic excel­lence and sup­port­ing HRI’s ded­i­cat­ed sci­en­tists,” says Mr McGauran.


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